Saturday, 7 May 2016

Keaton Henson & Theme Realisation; Project Proposal

Further Artist Research & Theme Realisation 

While drawing from my artist research, struggling to find an idea and theme for my work to follow, I took a step back and looked at the work I'd made so far. What did I want to make work for or in response to? While mulling over these questions, I took a break, listening to music as I usually do when I'm working, and I was thinking about how much I love the work of musician and artist Keaton Henson. It was during this moment of Henson appreciation that I had a eureka moment in what direction I wanted to take my artwork in! 

Henson, as well as being an introverted musician and poet, also creates album artwork for his musical releases using both 2D and 3D illustrative work. I've been a fan of his work for a long while and his ceramic album covers are truly lovely in how they reflect the fragility and rawness of his music. I thought about how I could apply this as a starting point for my own series of images, composed of 3D illustrations as album covers.

Context & Theme

Thinking about how this work would be presented, I thought about making 3D illustrations in responses to some chosen tracks and having an exhibition showing each of these responses with maybe a 7" vinyl mock up of the photographed piece being displayed with it. People would be able to listen to each track while they look at the art pieces.

The overarching theme of these pieces in a broad sense would be music, but I wanted work that was more specific than that. I wanted music that felt intimate and fragile, much like Keaton's. By focusing on indie//ambient music I hope that my audience will be more specific, and the pieces will work together as a series if the tone of voice and emotive values of each track are of a similar nature.

I've began making lists of possible considerations to keep in mind//narrow down throughout the making process. I want each piece to be primarily character driven, and have a soft and vulnerable feel to it. I've made notes of characters to research and reference from this point on as well as drawing up a rough proposal at this point in time.


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