Saturday, 19 December 2015

Large Scale Screen Prints (The Worst Day)


Process & technical issues; To start off the day someone took my unused print medium from the room and given the opening and closing times of the print shop I was unable to buy anymore, the print staff were very helpful and found some other colours people had left behind for me to use instead, however from the offset this meant my screen prints weren't going to be the burnt orange // dark blue colour combination I'd wanted to try out.

The day followed in a similar vain. The inks and mediums came out unevenly, they started drying up, the layers wouldn't overlay correctly; the word unsuccessful wouldn't cover how I felt about this day. I left the print room a broken shell of a woman.

However unsuccessful this day was, I did LEARN a lot from it though, and that's something to be noted!

Things learnt; Keep your medium in the illustration room safe in your draw away from thieving hands! Make sure your image is correctly exposed using a true black ink // photocopier; I feel like maybe my prints didn't come out well in certain areas because the image itself could have been better transferred onto the screen. Ensure the mixture of acrylic paint to medium is correct; the reason for it drying out so fast may have been the quantities of each substance, as well as waiting for my partner to line up his images (another thing to note - get your own screen rather than sharing, this may have helped with alignment). Use masking tape to mark out corners to place the paper to get a good alignment and finally use a larger size paper to the image you're printing! It may have been easier to line up if I'd been printing on A2 paper rather than A3, it would have also left room for cropping later on.

Things to consider moving on; After this experience I definitely felt myself leaning a lot more towards lino as my print medium of choice, however I wanted to check with my peers to get their opinion. Part of me wants to keep trying at this until I get it right as screen print is something I'd love to have confidence in doing!

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