Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Further Drawing & 60s Breakthrough!

Visual development; acting on feedback from peer review and tutorials I continued drawing in dip-pen; trying to mix the objects and scenery in with my woman figures. As I drew I listened to a Murakami inspired playlist on Spotify.

Idea generation; during this process of image making, trying to make more dynamic and engaging compositions and figures, and listening to Murakami's playlist, a new idea sparked to life. Taking into account previous ideas of the 60s era and connections with Murakami and music, I thought about designing these images as album artwork or gig posters inspired by the 60s 'free love' music movement.With the mixture of literal images and surreal 60s physc inspired font I felt like my images were finally starting to reflect a fresh side of Murakami that hadn't previously been explored.

Connection//Input from research;  as a young man Murakami spent a lot of his time surrounded by music. Working for a time in a record store, (as a few of his characters do throughout his literature) he was massively into jazz music; a reoccurring theme in his work, as well as a constant inspiration in the way he writes (free form, immediate, spontaneous, improvised).

Current thoughts//development; I've started thinking about the series of prints as a series of gig posters or 12" record sleeves; that come together to provide a portrait of Murakami//his work. The pysch look of 60s music gives the work a fresh look while still retaining adult themes and sense of rebellion I've come to admire.

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