Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Contacting Stew

  • I recently contacted Stewart Baxter from Warren Records about possibly doing an interview about the Hull music scene and his thoughts about how it's changed and evolved since he first became a part of it. Stew has been super helpful and agreed to take part, so I took the day to write out some questions to ask him over the phone.
  • Telephone interview works best as it allows for a more conversational tone of voice and I think you get more from a human conversation than you do form a written 'questionnaire' style of interview.
Questions I intend to ask Stew;
- How long have you been in the Hull punk music scene?
-  How did you get into it?
- What bands have you been in?
- Any memories that stand out (ask at the end)
- How has the scene changed since the 1990's?
- How about the style from then to now?
- Have the venues changed?
- How many people were in the scene compared to now? Was it a close knit community?
- The ages of people involved? (varied or not)
- Did you use to do anything other than gigs?
- Best memory to date?

  • Though I have these written down as rough questions, I don't feel obliged to stick to them all during the interview. I'm hoping Stew feels comfortable enough to go off on tangents and discuss things I perhaps wouldn't have thought about asking. Though I'd consider myself as fairly involved within the current Hull music scene, I have nowhere near as much experience in the field as Stew, so I'm hoping he can shine some light onto things I previously didn't know about.

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