Friday, 24 March 2017

Considering a change of format?

After my conversation with stew I began considering the format of my final pieces. Did I want to target the general public, or did I want to target the musicians of Hull? I kept thinking about the gigs that Stew and Freaks Union put on to raise money for overseas causes. I began thinking about the possibility of running a campaign to champion that kind of thinking, and get the Hull music scene more involved in activism.

With this thought in mind, I began to consider the relevance of gig posters if this was the route I wanted to go down? Perhaps a different format would be a better way of expressing this message and getting local bands involved.

It was at this point I coined the phrase 'Give 'Em Hull'. The words almost naturally fell into place while I was thinking of a slogan or name for this work to branch under. I began to consider using merchandise as a way of spreading this idea that musicians should give more of a shit about what's going on in the world. To prove that they were brave in standing up for something worthy and that they believed in. I considered at this point that I could illustrate punky designs and put them on t-shirts and merch brandishing the title 'Give 'Em Hull'. The Give Em Hull 'company' or 'brand' would then donate some of the profits of the t-shirt sales to places like The Warren that help young people in Hull access much needed counselling services, as well as giving back to the music scene.

I understand this may seem like a big leap to take from my original idea, but it's something that I'm considering at this point. Using slogans and quotes from my conversation with Stew, as well as mottos and sayings that I feel reflect what I'm trying to say could be brandished on the t-shirts too.

At this point I don't want to put myself into a box too much, but this is something that I'm considering as a format to move forward with. My aim to to continue to play around loosely right now, and see what kind of work comes from that.

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