Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Greetings From; Week 1

Initial ideas

My first visual thought after receiving this brief was that of a Brazilian woman in a brightly coloured costume surrounded by bold green leaves and tropical birds. I felt that vectors would lend themselves well to bright bold colours and shapes, and so used this initial thought to expand into the idea of festivals around the world

Scamps of Rio De Janeiro festival (Brazil; Rio)

Scamps for Day of the Dead (Mexico)

Scamps for Chinese New Year//Carnival of Venice

I undertook a lot of research into various festivals, but wanted to pick ones that would be easily recognisable whilst still being interesting and providing a lot of visual material. 

I tried to work in bright colours while scamping out my initial ideas as I felt that would give a more accurate depiction of what final images could look like//which of them would work

Streets at night//artistic movements in cities idea generation

Moving on from festivals one of my other ideas what cities at night. This seemed like a good concept, however I found that once I started creating images and scamps, it became very dull and a little cliche. I found myself starting to merely copy images that I was finding online as apposed to ILLUSTRATING them. After a couple of pages I decided this idea was not one I particularly wanted to pursue

My final concept was 'artistic movements' in cities. I really like the beatnik style and atmosphere they created in NYC, however when illustrating other artistic movements I found that yet again I was just copying the work of others; be that photographs or renaissance paintings

I did however find an alternative to this 'artistic movements' by thinking of them less in a historical sense and more of a social sense; seeing these movements as sub-cultures.

From this stemmed the idea of punks in London, and gangs in NYC and LA; something I need to research further in the coming week

Artistic movements moving to sub-cultures

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