Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Colour, Value and Notan; Vis Lang

Luke Pearson

One of the many things I love about Pearson's work is his ability to command selective colour in a way that creates tone and value whilst also telling a story and working as a set. Given that this brief was set to a restricted colour scheme I thought looking at his work may help me understand how selective colours can be used harmoniously together

Scamps for print; Doing something good - Dancing

I wanted to incorporate what I'd learnt about shape, depth and frame especially within this final screen print. I enjoy figures a lot, as well as dancing like an idiot, so 80s themed dancers seemed like a good place to start my scamps

Rough composition put together in photoshop//adding of some colour

Going over the lines digitally with textured brush in photoshop

Colour tests in photoshop//adding of frame

I chose to have the figures in colour to make them the focal point and give a more dynamic shape to the overall image. The adding of a frame also helped to contain this shape and give a more finalised feel to the print

Final black images to be exposed to screen

Colour mixing for screen

Final print

Given that for this brief we worked in pairs I felt that I learnt a lot more than I did during the induction

Screen printing with the high end facilities here is different to how it was at my college but infinitely better, I felt as though by working in smaller groups I got a lot more hands on experience with screen printing than we did during the inductions

Screen printing is something I'm really interested in and want to pursue and look into a lot more. After this session I feel a lot more confident going back to screen printing on my own for some practice

The prints themselves came out to varying degrees of success, there was a few registration issues with a couple of the prints but I feel as though the colours and overall composition of the image came out rather well. Some of the lines weren't as crisp as I would have liked them to be but I think this was due to a lack of practice actually screen printing, some of the lines could have been a bit thicker to allow more ink through and a bolder line in places

Overall however I really found this whole process very beneficial in not just understanding how selective colour can be utilised to create a strong final image, but in understanding screen printing more thoroughly also 

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