Original (right) and quick mock up (left)
I couldn't stop thinking about that La Betes poster and how much better I could have illustrated it.
So I did something a little cheeky and I illustrated a new gig poster without telling Dan.
We've currently got some plans in the pipeline for me to design a zine about the band and how they've progressed since their origin. For this brief Dan sent me over a load of band photos from way back when they first got together. I was looking through these for the zine brief and came across this particular photo of Dan. There was just something about the composition of the piece that I thought would lend itself so well to a lofi punk gig poster.
With this in mind I did a version of the poster using the photo as a reference. I then added in the dates and details, and well as tracing over a print out of the Adelphi logo using a light box.
I took a rough photograph of the drawing and sent it to Dan over messenger with a message probably something along the lines of "so just drew this up as an alternative to the digital poster? just wondering what you thought?"
Thank GOWD Dan showed the band and they all loved it way more than the digital version. He asked if I could do a really quick mock up of what it'd look like on a pink background, I just used a mobile scanning app on my phone to get the rough details of the image and then added colour to it using instagram and sent the image over to Dan and the rest of the group.
They all seem really keen to replace the original digital file with this DIY analogue version which makes me feel super happy. I know I went out on a bit of a whim with this idea but I'm really glad I did. I'm actually super happy with the rawness of the image and feel as though it reflects La Bete Blooms music so much better than the digital version. Double super points ayy!
Photo of Dan from their very early La Bete days
- punk
- 80s / 90s gig posters
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