Setting a Target Audience
Because of the openness in this brief we decide the best thing to start with would be a mind map. I was a little worried how we would start tacking a brief so big but Izzie came up with a great idea for target audience that I really feel set the tone for our whole project!
We both felt very passionately about inspiring bravery in young creatives but Izzie came up with the notion of targeting our product at college tutors. This drew from personal experience however I felt as though it was a real world problem that was only getting progressively worse. The foundation course that I studied on and set me up massively for moving into higher eduction was cut after two years in favour of moving the arts funding to more sports//science subjects. And with more arts being cut from education it is vital that we inspire young people to keep going with creative subjects, and to ENGAGE them, teaching them skills that will prove to be BENEFICIAL and INSPIRING.
Possible ways this could take form
Interactive digital platform where lesson plans and tutorials can be delivered
Book/zine series
Events pack
Campaign/lesson pack
Inspiring film (alike the art documentary Made you Look)
Function & Deliverability
With our target audience set up we had to decide on how this product was going to be delivered. We agreed that it should be something that in itself was brave, it had to something tangible and exciting, at this point I threw out the idea of a 'Graze' box for tutors, with equipment, materials and information so lessons could be taught that would engage students and teach them useful skills; and thus our box was born!
We wanted to continue with the brave theme and decided to screen print the box, we both have experience in screen printing and so is something either of us could do, it also feels a lot more special and would add to that feeling that the students were getting something well crafted and considered, not something vapid and uninteresting.
Going back to the idea of a book//zine we thought about what could be placed in the box. We came up with the following list for an example pack on a book binding box;
Illustrated guide to the activity (appeals to creative people on a visual level)
Enough materials for the teacher to practice and demonstrate each technique to their class
Stickers- to give out as encouragement for students (be brave)
Theme cards
Stock - for the front covers of the book (include a limited amount as we cannot provide the materials for the full class)
Thread - its small so we could easily provide this as part of the pack
Poster encouraging bravery and showing the technique - this could be put on a classroom wall so students could do the activity again without the teacher going over it
We had a quick look online to see if anything like this already existed, and while we found the Tate Gallery Teachers Pack, it was extremely dry and dull; something we definitely wanted to avoid.
Looking at monthly subscription packs we started with Graze as it's one of the most well known and popular, I then suggested Lucky Dip which is more creative and visual. There are elements of all three of these products we want to employ in our own box but in a far more interesting and contemporary way!
We started thinking about net designs and had another quick look online to see what what out there. The idea of creating something that wasn't just a box would be another way to ensure our product was pushing the same boundaries of bravery as we were encouraging in students.
Name & Type
The next step was coming up with a name for our campaign we explored relevant words to the brief and the design decisions we had made so far;
We came to decision that 'BRAVE' is a perfect solution for the name. It's short, snappy, easy to remember and directly informed by the brief/purpose of our product.
We explored some possible typefaces for the branding/logo of our campaign; it was important to choose something different that isn't overused within the creative industries. The experiments above are with the typefaces; Futura, Apercu, Cooper and Bluu.
Then came the idea that the typeface and the format of the packaging could have some relevance to each other and the 'A' could appear as a triangle.
With this in mind Izzie brought up one of her pre made original typefaces. I felt personally that it worked fantastically for our brand, it was slick and unique and would provide our product with an edge others might not. Izzie was able to quickly change the A letter into a triangle incase we wanted to go with a net design that was more triangle rather than rectangular based. The all caps and full stop also made the name more of a statement. It was bold and confident, unafraid to be BRAVE!
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