Thursday, 12 November 2015

Made You Look

What I Liked

I enjoyed the duality explored in this film with regards to the digital VS analog approaches to both making and distributing work. I think the internet now does play as bot ha positive and negative in many illustrators work, and while there is a need, and gain, to be drawn from having an online presence and knowledge, I enjoyed the refreshing notion that going outside to the real world is also still very much an experience to relish in with it's own experiences and positives to be gained. The idea of networking and talking to other creatives will be something I'l experience later in the collaborative side of this 503 module; it'll be interesting to see how this works in practice!

What I Didn't Like

Overall I really enjoyed the film and felt inspired and hopeful at the end! I do find it a little sad how much some artists rely on the internet nowadays for things such as reference imagery and research rather than going out to experience things and conduct their own research. In the ever expanding world of the web I feel like sometimes trying to get your work noticed is a little like shouting into a void, and while the internet is very much a necessity in our field , I do feel there is still a place for making real world connections. It would be a shame if this aspect of our profession was lost.

What I Will Take Away

Keep in mind internet presence // how you present yourself as both an individual and a brand

Go outside and feel something! 

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