Research; quick web search for bio related information on Murakami as a person. Felt I could learn more// have a more personal experience if I read his works to really gauge how I felt about him and how I wanted that to be portrayed in my work.
Norwegian Wood; the novel that projected Murakami into the spotlight//kick started his career as an acclaimed author. What struck me about this piece was the way Murakami managed to ground the slightly surreal and romanticised in reality. The tragic melancholy apparent in the characters felt authentic though the situations often felt as though they were shown through rose tinted spectacles. Similar mood also present in The Wind up Bird chronicles; possible motif?
Interests so far; The authenticity of his tone of voice// his mixture of the authentic and the surreal. Engaging stories and characters. Strong sense of atmosphere.
Possible problems; I have felt a slight worry that at this point, however, I’m merely repeating myself. Sad women are a motif through many of Murakami’s works and I don’t want my work to be made of just that; feeling very two dimensional and not very indepth//really saying anything about Murakami’s work other than ‘sad women in sad colours’. At the moment it all feels very obvious - something I want to be able to push past, though I know these are just initial drawings and it’s good to get these obvious ideas out of the way.
Future steps; push past the obvious; stop repeating sad women
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