Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Person's of Note; Evaluation

Final poster, postcards and stamps


To show Spike Milligan for the person he was; to not shy away from his struggles but focus primarily on the joy//positivity he brought to the world through both his work and person

Have the poster be almost biographical in the way it displays and conveys information about him

To use traditional methods of illustration (analog) to make the pieces feel very hand-made and human in feel as that's what Spike prided himself on being; flawed and imperfect but kind and loving and human

To reflect his quieter, more thoughtful side in the poem postcards through more stripped back illustration, simplified imagery and selective colour

To create a series of illustrations that also met the brief and worked well as a set


 I time managed well on this brief, completing all of the illustrations by my booked print slot on Monday and to the level I wanted them to be at; this was largely due to making small timetables for myself and writing down when I would complete certain things by.

I feel as though I was also more thorough and exhaustive of my ideas in this brief when compared with the vector one. If an idea wasn't working in the way that I wanted it too or wasn't evoking what I wanted to say, I feel like I managed to push things further and be decisive about what worked and what didn't; what could be pushed further and what would fulfill my intent.

I would like to think the time spent on my images also indicates to a level of craftsmanship and consideration into the final outcomes

The images themselves are all very personal and reflective of Spike Milligan and his life 


That my viewpoint on Spike Milligan might not be translated in the way that I want it to be? Will the viewer get the dual sides that made him who he was while still understanding the overarching positive aura I wanted to display? Is it too complex?

Although all the images were constructed using the same media I worry that maybe they don't work as a series as much as they could. A set colour scheme would have helped all the images work well together; I was worried about the postcards having too much negative space but maybe the end results now make the stamps look too bare when compared to the poster and postcards?

The poster is slightly off center (the tree on the right is too close to the edge)

I worry that the tone of voice in the poster is still a little bit too 'cartoony' and 'grown up' or 'serious' enough? Maybe it looks a little bit too 'child friendly'? Though this could be seen as a positive given Milligan's love for his children


I'm pleased with the final outcomes and how they've been printed; I'm glad I took the time to book a print slot and have my work done in time so they could be printed on good stock white card. I'm also pleased with how the images themselves turned out, and that I got to practice using watercolours again as it's something I haven't done for quite a while.

I do feel however that I should have pushed the stamps a little further and filled more of the negative space as I worry they look a little bare when compared with the poster and postcards. Maybe I should have included a small bit of type into all of them to fill more space, or used colour in the backgrounds and had negative space objects like the postcards and poster.

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