Saturday, 24 January 2015

Visual Narrative; Pages & Refinement

Concertina layout pages/scamps


I began looking through all my photos I'd taken at Chevin in chronological order, picking out interesting, emotive, or visually beautiful images to draw from in order to get ideas of each page of my book. I decided I wanted a different illustration on each page to keep the book visually dynamic and engaging. 

I split up a few quotes from Fawkes and assigned them to a page, trying to find images that would fit with the text I was going to include in the book. I started to draw up scamps for each page to give a rough idea of colour, composition, and how the images looked next to each other as a whole.

I decided the splash panoramic image would take too long given the time available. I chose to have the quote flow on the opposite side of the book with a growing tree motif; symbolising all the work, effort and success that both Fawkes and Rawling achieved whilst rebuilding Chevin.

The typography was to be hand-rendered; personal and reflective of the humanity throughout this project, also reminiscent of Rawling's own journal he kept as he built the forest back up again

Mock up//practice concertina with printed out scamps


After completion of the scamps for the front of the book, I scanned them in and roughly copied them and cropped them so they were all A6 images, I then printed them out and made a mock up (masking taping each image together).

For the first time I began to get a feel for how this book was going to work in it's actual format. It was exciting to see it as a fold out concertina book for the first time. It did raise some questions and points for refinement though, which I was grateful for; seeing it as a concertina was different to looking at flat images on a page, it highlighted the importance of 'making' a book as well as 'designing' a book.


(Left) Layout pages cont//larger scale title page (Right) Composition variations for page 1; front

Once the mock up was complete I sat down with Matt and spoke to him fully about my project as a whole up to the current stage.  The book and idea was working but not to it's full potential. He encouraged me to try variations of compositions for images I felt weren't as strong as others. Things as simple as looking back at earlier scamps could solve this//provide alternatives.

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