Monday, 29 December 2014

Project Proposal

PICTURE BOOK TITLE: A quote from MJ H Fawkes or Rawling? 'Chevin' 'The woods' 'Thank you'-tribute to Fawkes?

IDEA: What is your picture book about?
Visual representation of my experience of Chevin forest mixed with quotes//feelings//historical context that I researched. A running narrative of movement and exploration of the forest and it's natural surroundings. A few repeated figures (Chay & Danny) to hold narrative together. Maybe a panoramic on the flip side of the concertina showing surprise view? Incorporation of minimalist text to emphasise the mood of the forest//Fawkes and Rawlings intent and how it paid off.

INTENT: What are you trying to achieve?
An organic feeling book that comes across as very human and hand crafted. Although printed for a final product, images themselves will be hand rendered. A book with a certain quietness about it. A certain honesty that will be charming to look at and flick through. And in a certain way pay homage to Fawkes for donating the Chevin back to the people of Otley.

STRUCTURE: How might this book function?
I really like the idea of the book functioning as a concertina, I think it would work well with the sort of layout and atmosphere I want to create within my book. It also gives variability in terms of composition; I could either draw individual illustrations within each panel, or have longer panoramic illustrations to highlight particular landscapes within Chevin such as surprise view


WHAT have you discovered about research over the last two weeks?
The importance of experiential research was something I hadn't come across prior to this brief and it has been crucial to the development of my ideas and how the book has evolved. If it were not for me going out and being in Chevin forest and having an 'adventure' I doubt that the factual research that I undertook would have been anywhere near as potent and important to me as it was. I've also learnt how more than one strand of research can inform another as my factual and experiential did, making for more opinionated and interesting research and therefore work. 

WHICH approaches to the research did you struggle with?
I struggled with the people aspects in the fact that there wasn't really any people around to talk to for my project. It would have been nice to meet a park ranger or forester and ask them what it's like to work in and maintain the forest on a regular basis. Or ask them if they knew about Rawling or the forests' history.

WHICH approaches to research did you find beneficial?
As previously stated, the experiential research has been something new to me and incredibly beneficial. It is definitely something I want to start doing more often were possible as it really freshened my mind and pushed my ideas.

WHAT do you regret about your approach to research during this brief?
Again, I regret not talking to people directly. I also wonder if I could have found a more interesting place to study, but I accept the challenge to find beauty and story in the mundane.

WHAT kind of media, skills, tools and processes are you going to explore?
As I mentioned before, despite the final book being printed digitally, I want the majority of the illustrations to be hand crafted and perhaps only enhanced slightly through photoshop. Over the course of the next few weeks I'm hoping to do more media scamps and development work to further refine the media processes I will use on my final illustrations. I also think I want quite a minimalist colour palette, consisting mainly of greys with splashes of colour thrown in to highlight certain things. Texture will also play a big part in my final illustrations and the crafting of these is something I will also investigate further through practical work. 

Visual Narrative; Revisiting Chevin

Location drawing and notes from second trip to Chevin Forest post factual research


Re-visited Chevin to experience the forest again first hand and not through a camera lens as I did the first time. 
Went with only one other person and so the solitarily and quiet calmness was even more amplified than before. 
Noticed a lot of things in detail as I was really looking with my eyes at things close up. Thinking about contrasting textures and surfaces. Soft wet moss from winter morning dew against frosty solid rocks jutting out of the ground. How would I translate these. 
Small details are important.

Visual Narrative; Review with Kristyna Baczynski

Notes//feedback from Kristyna Baczynski

Notes made after talk with Kristyna and the rest of the group


Book acting as a 'Thank You' to Fawkes and Rawling
Book being doubled sided
Splash panoramic of 'surprise view' on reverse of book
Quotes either as blurb//going through the imagery


Lizzy Stewart; Travel Diaries (Four Days in Iceland)


Really captures mood//atmosphere of place
Sense of perspective//place
Landscapes//experiences told through her own tone of voice; makes it personal, not just a recording of physical sights
Personal experiences and sights//things she has observed; not just drawn from images on the internet, telling her own story and adventure whilst being informed from real physical surroundings 

Visual Narrative; Chevin Research & Refinement

Write up of interesting information that resonated with my own experience

sign posts/boards in forest also contained infomation


The more research I did about Chevin's history the more I found myself feeling as though it resonated deeply with the feelings I had experienced whilst in the forest. I found myself getting emotional about what Major H. Fawkes had wished for the forest and how he'd wanted it to be rebuilt. The peacefulness and the escapism was what had drawn me to really appreciate Chevin, and the fact that MJ F Hawkes had donated this beautiful landscape so that people like myself could enjoy it, really hit me on an emotional level. 

Scamps exploring composition//media (first image) exploring layout of overall book (second image)


I began using scamps to explore the idea of a story consisting of both my experience in Chevin with the historical content I'd found through factual research. 

A telling of not only my experiences but how they resonated with MJ F Hawkes' wishes for Chevin

Starting//ending with a quote from him or Rawling?


Research into the sort of concertina books I'd like my own final piece to look like//searching for inspiration whilst scamping

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Visual Narrative; Peer Review


Factual research needed, could inform experiential research
More drawings from reference imagery
Could go back and draw on location again; more location and subject based than experiential


Life//death of squirrel found in half
Daily life of an animal in Chevin forest
Man VS Nature
Concertina book showing my experince//guide through Chevin? - favoured idea, feel as though I have a lot of research to inform and push ideas//themes

Visual Narrative; Initial thoughts & Chevin Forest Trip


Initial mind mapping of potential locations


After receiving the brief I wrote down a few of the locations I was interested in visiting, and thought about areas both near to Leeds and home in Hull that I could visit to research. 

Out of all the suggested locations, 'forests and parks' was the one I wanted to visit first. I've always felt happy and at home in woods and forests; there's something about them I find myself drawn to on an emotional level, and after living in Leeds for a few months, the idea of getting away from the city and to have some fresh air was something I really liked the idea of. I conducted some research to nearby forests around Leeds and found that Chevin Forest was one of the biggest, and only a 40 minute bus ride away from the city center. 

Photos taken on disposable camera of Chevin


The trip to chevin forest was lovely. It was so nice to be in a rural landscape for a change and the whole day felt not only beneficial to my work but to me on a personal level too. Simply being in the outdoors and walking all day; it's amazing how productive and happy a day out can make you feel.

Whilst there I took a lot of photographs for visual reference, to catalogue the typologies and collections of natural flora and fauna around us. I also found myself repeatedly noticing scale whilst we were there. How large the forest seemed in comparison to Chay and Danny in the photos I was taking. 

Location drawing (first double page spread) and later drawing from reference//write up of experiential research


I found the most useful research to be experiential however. Just the feeling of being in the forest. Of experiencing it's scale and natural beauty. The quietness and stillness. The solitude without loneliness. I found myself making notes of any funny or interesting conversations between me and my friends. Making note of any of the few people passing us by. But mostly I was interested in photographing and documenting as much of this beautiful landscape that I could.

Selection from the 579 digital photos taken during the visit to Chevin