Monday, 27 October 2014

'Initially' Studio Brief 1; Week 2

At the start of week 2 we had a small group crit/review of our initial illustrated ideas to get feedback from new, fresh points of view as to which of our themes were working well and which ones were less engaging. Having others go through your work while you're unable to discuss or explain it in depth, although difficult, I felt worked very well in being able to self assess which themes were working best; which themes were communicating the ideas and getting an emotional reaction from the viewers (in this case my peers).

After this review, I chose to pursue and develop my idea of 'wishes' as that was the theme that people seemed to be most excited about and interested in seeing it developed further. I undertook a few media experimentations to see which worked best for the sorts of illustrations I wanted to do. If there were any images that I still wasn't happy with I also tried to re-draw and re-work them until I was happy with the final outcome. Once most of the images were planned, I drew out a basic compositional idea for where each letter would fit on the page. I then took a photo of this compositional image, inputted it to photoshop, and played around with scale and the images whereabouts until I was happy with the final composition. The last thing I did before starting the final piece was to very roughly plan out scale on a spare piece of A1 paper, so that I had some sort of idea as to how large/small each of my illustrations would have to be to make the composition I had planned out work. Obviously scaling up from an A4/A3 layout sheet to A1 required a bit of thinking in terms of the scale of each image.

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